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Hello everyone, 

Congratulations Oprah for your award at the recent Golden Globes and more importantly for those present in the audience, viewing, listening and perhaps reading a little later on, on behalf of all the ladies and those gentlemen in appreciation of the ladies on planet earth, I would like to extend our gratitude and love to you for your awesome acceptance speech. 

As we celebrate the Changeover Years up until 2027, the Shift in which we find ourselves is bringing about wonderful change. Change is constant and change is good because at this time it is enabling an awakening for many souls to the truth of love, kindness, compassion, gentleness and most of all balance in our world. The light is indeed continuing to shine in all kinds of places and is gaining momentum! Way back 50,000 years ago, life in Lemuria was very different from how it is across the world today. The ladies were appreciated for their wisdom and the men were honouring to them and would be guided by them in their own daily tasks. Indeed, the wisdom of the life givers (the ladies) was intuitive and sacred. 

While I truly believe in the power of miracles every day, I also have a practical grounding and an inner knowing that tells me we are probably several generations away from the practical living of Lemuria as we start to rekindle the energy of truth and compassion. Similarly however I believe that compassionate action changes this planet and that it starts with every individual taking responsibility for their own life's journey with the self worth to know that no matter what they do, where they are and their past experiences, that they are MAGNIFICENT! After all, spirit sees each one of us as perfect.

So thank you once again, Oprah,  for speaking your truth to those happy to listen in love and for choosing to use your voice! I am sure that with a mere 36.2 million views to date, that your speech will be inspiring and uplifting for many both now and in the months and years to come.

Be kind everyone and know that you are magnificent!

With love and gratitude, 

Lady Wise