Hello everyone, 

Congratulations Oprah for your award at the recent Golden Globes and more importantly for those present in the audience, viewing, listening and perhaps reading a little later on, on behalf of all the ladies and those gentlemen in appreciation of the ladies on planet earth, I would like to extend our gratitude and love to you for your awesome acceptance speech. 

As we celebrate the Changeover Years up until 2027, the Shift in which we find ourselves is bringing about wonderful change. Change is constant and change is good because at this time it is enabling an awakening for many souls to the truth of love, kindness, compassion, gentleness and most of all balance in our world. The light is indeed continuing to shine in all kinds of places and is gaining momentum! Way back 50,000 years ago, life in Lemuria was very different from how it is across the world today. The ladies were appreciated for their wisdom and the men were honouring to them and would be guided by them in their own daily tasks. Indeed, the wisdom of the life givers (the ladies) was intuitive and sacred. 

While I truly believe in the power of miracles every day, I also have a practical grounding and an inner knowing that tells me we are probably several generations away from the practical living of Lemuria as we start to rekindle the energy of truth and compassion. Similarly however I believe that compassionate action changes this planet and that it starts with every individual taking responsibility for their own life's journey with the self worth to know that no matter what they do, where they are and their past experiences, that they are MAGNIFICENT! After all, spirit sees each one of us as perfect.

So thank you once again, Oprah,  for speaking your truth to those happy to listen in love and for choosing to use your voice! I am sure that with a mere 36.2 million views to date, that your speech will be inspiring and uplifting for many both now and in the months and years to come.

Be kind everyone and know that you are magnificent!

With love and gratitude, 

Lady Wise

The door of love is always open...

Hi everyone, 

Whatever you are doing and wherever you are in the world there is a beautiful system of love and benevolence that is reaching out to take your hand at this SPECIAL time during the Changeover Years which run from 2013 to 2027!

More and more individuals are challenging their own existence and reality that is around them and realising that they have the power and choice to change what they dislike about their lifestyle and replace it with their own idea of what would be more satisfying and fulfilling to them. Each of us is unique and so it can only be for that individual to decide what they want for their physical life on Mother Earth.

Can you imagine the wonder of knowing that everything you want for yourself is realisable and possible? There is such power in this. One reason, of course, which is why it is important that each of us is careful for what we wish! When you keep your thoughts high and pure, the benevolent universe will have your back and you will start to see changes manifesting in your life that are so exquisitely amazing some of you may be reduced to tears of joy!

Know that you are so worthy of beauty, joy, happiness and kindness in your life as both a giver and a receiver. Shake off any self doubt because this self doubt is simply an old energy that is no longer serving you and you can leave it behind now.

Think of the metaphor of doors.

Visualise all the nonsense, hurt, pain, sorrow and depression left in a corner of a small room and close the door permanently. Lock the door and throw away the key and feel the release of tension from your whole being - mind, body and soul - after you have done this.

Take a deep breath in and hold for a count of 1,2,3...and release.Take another deep breath in and hold for a count of 1,2,3...and release.Take a third deep breath in and hold for a count of 1,2,3...and release.

Imagine every time you breathe in air you are breathing in new life for you and new beginnings with new adventures and circumstances that will take you on a beautiful new path for you... one step at a time.  

Remember that love and fear cannot co-exist and so when you choose to live your life from a place of love, then your whole being will light up and fill you with a greater peace in your heart and a 'knowing' that the universe knows who you are and loves you for you who are, right now.

You are magnificent and so worthy! Be kind to yourself and wishing you joy and happiness in all you do!

with love and gratitude

Lady Wise



Aloha Mahalo!

Hi everyone and a very Happy Winter Solstice to you on this very special day!

On a spiritual level I want to share a beautiful and sacred Hawaiian blessing with you:

Aloha Mahalo!

Aloha is an invocation of that beautiful divine spark that resides within each one of us and is filled with love, compassion, kindness, grace and affection.

Mahalo is a Divine blessing of gratitude and thanks.

Whoever you are, you are your own miracle of life and the blessing of your life is up to you to create and fulfil in whatever way you choose! Remember you are the master of your own mind!

with love and gratitude 

Lady Wise


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Health IS the new wealth!

Hi everyone, 

Hardly a day passes without mention on one of the news channels, in a newspaper or on social media about the weakening health position of both healthcare systems and human beings. Sadly the period in which we are presently living is challenging humanity but please don't despair! Often when you have a cough or a cold or indeed a more serious ailment, this health challenge is misunderstood. All physical ailments are signals to your body that a change is required. Now before you stop reading this blog because you have heard the word 'change' and do not like this, allow me to explain further. 

It would appear for many of us that human beings do not like change. Why might this be? Perhaps it is because so many of us have been conditioned for years and years and years to believe that change will bring with it more negative outcomes. Am I right? Are you nodding your head in agreement with me about this? I would like to reassure you that this is an old energy mindset that you choose to believe. And the wonderful thing about choice is that it takes only 3 seconds to change your attitude and believe in a more positive outcome in life! As little as 3 seconds...1, 2, 3! There we go! Where we go? We are off to seek and expect positive outcomes from change that will slowly bring into your life greater health and well-being. All you have to do is believe! It is truly that simple.

Now what can you expect from this shift in your thinking? I cannot give a list of things because it will be different for each person. I can assure you that when you expect the unexpected and believe with all your heart that you are deserving of good health that changes for your highest good will occur. The metaphysics around this will be explained, in part, in my first esoteric book that will be published next year. Suffice to say that just because you cannot physically see things around you does not mean that there is none. Beautiful, positive and benevolent energies are working with you all the time to give you your best living experience here on planet Earth, when you ALLOW it! This is the free choice that is sacred to every human being and which is why it is not for us to be judgemental of anyone else, because we do not know their own life experience to date. This is part of the puzzle of life. I can tell you that none of us is here to suffer. None of us! And so if you choose to wallow in self pity and self doubt that is your choice. If, however, you have been wallowing for a long, long time and now desperately seek a better and healthier life for yourself then ALLOW YOURSELF to make it happen for YOU! Whether you believe it or not, you have full creative control over how you live every day!

When you look in the mirror can you look back at yourself and truthfully say, " I am happy with all my heart!"?

We are living in a period of time presently which is unique to planet Earth and which is the optimum time for each of us to question who we are and what we want out of life. Perhaps you know you want to be healthier but are a little scared and fearful of letting go of how you are presently living and surviving? Up until 2012, most humans have felt trapped and curtailed from following their passion. Have you ever met a passionate person? If yes, what qualities have you noticed about them?

Have you noticed how laid back they seem to be with their life how happy they seem to be? There is no coincidence that they have worked out the puzzle of life. They do not even think that work is a chore because they are following their dream and feel free to make it happen. Work is simply another day of play! And more importantly, their happiness comes with good health. 

More and more individuals are now waking up to a new reality that is more REAL than anything we have previously been told. Spirituality is becoming more mainstream because more than 80% of the population believes that there is something more to life than the physical existence that the normal pair of eyes can observe. That should tell you something! Have you noticed that there are more books about near death experiences than ever before and more people willing to talk about their near death experiences than ever before. Why might this be? The "new normal" human being is someone who knows and trusts in the unknown. The "new normal" human being is someone who can feel comfortable with who they are and who believes that they are enough, that they are not alone and that there is a beautiful system of support for them that they may often FEEL, although perhaps still be unable to see, at this time! 

In the words of my dear friend, Heather Jean, 


We are all in this together!
All the universe asks from us is that we connect to our hearts and our great selves in connection to all that is.
That is, it......... Connect to your great self through the love that lives inside of your heart, the love that exists in every cell of your being, the love you are created from.
Let go of everything that is not serving your higher self, just let it go and fall into your greatness .... You will be lifted from your struggle immediately every time you connect.
It is time for this to take place right now.  We are in the beginning of a new nine year cycle this year and we are setting our foundation, our foundation that will be in the creation cycle coming to fruition over the next nine years.

The choices you make now for yourself will make a difference and the universe and the earth are supporting you every step of the way all you have to do is connect, believe that your dream can come true and open your heart to receive the greatest feeling of love joy and peace that you have experienced on earth.


When I read Heather's words earlier today it was as if they were flowing from my own tongue. We are all in this together and for those of you who give pure intent for a change in your health for the better, all you need to do is tell yourself it is time to feel the love in your heart and connect to greater and better things for yourself. This is your birthright! 

Drop all fears, anxieties, worries and stress and start walking your path to happiness! 

Many individuals are feeling depressed, in despair and discombobulated at this time. These feelings are across all cultures, races, creeds and know no boundaries of monetary wealth. The good news is that when you connect with your heart and choose to create a better, more positive life for yourself, health challenges will slowly fade away. Affirmations are a great way to help focus your mind. 

"I am perfect health"

This affirmation when thought, spoken aloud or written down will help you.

Remember that the present tense is used because despite any health issues that you currently endure, you are affirming to your body and greater self that you are in perfect health NOW! Think of these words as a command from you to your body to live a healthier life, that will lift you out of survival mode and into happiness!

Each person has the power from within to achieve great health without spending a penny or a dime! You have to want it from your heart and be prepared to receive the change in love and gratitude.

Money cannot buy good health!

For in these times, health IS the new wealth!

With love and gratitude, 

Lady Wise ღ


Happy Hallowe'en!

Hi everyone,

The origin and meaning of Halloween is derived from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, but when many of us today think of October 31, we associate it with trick-or-treating and dressing up in disguise. On my way out to a poetry recital earlier this evening I smiled as I drove past all the children visiting their neighbours and dressed up in some amazing costumes. It brought a smile to my face and reminded me of how very small things can bring much joy into a person's life. The 'witches' , ghosts and 'skeletons' dressed up as Mr 'BoneJangles' were laughing as they walked from door to door and it was great to see everyone having so much fun.

It reminded me of the importance to laugh and find the joy in everything that we do. Laughter is a wonderful remedy for boosting our immune cells and keeping dis-ease at bay! Remember what brings you JOY again and again and again! 

Learn to relax and reassure yourself that only good things are coming your way! Open your heart to all that is beneficial for you and know that you deserve it! Allow your heart to express the feelings, emotions and beautiful thoughts from within.

There is no need to dress up this Hallowe'en or to go trick -or-treating when you can take a moment to reconnect with yourself in happiness and give yourself a smile and a hug. Whatever you choose to do this Hallowe'en be true to yourself and trust and love who you are!

With love and gratitude,

Lady Wise ღ


Finding your balance!

Hi everyone, 

As always I find it thrilling to keep in touch and to share my thoughts with you when I feel it will help you through your day!

This morning I awoke refreshed as usual but with a remembrance about the importance of each of us to find our balance, especially in such chaotic and challenging times. So what do I mean by this expression, "finding your balance"?

Most of us are focused in a very 3 dimensional world unaware that when we quieten our mind, find a quiet space away from any disturbance, disruption and potential interruption, we can find a space in our heart and mind to open up to new possibilities and a sense of inner calm and knowing that all is well no matter what we are experiencing at this particular time in our lives.

A simple test to determine how balanced we are is to truthfully answer the following questions of ourselves,  "how quick are you to become angry?" and "of what are you afraid?". You see whenever we hold anger within us and/or any fears, worries, doubts or anxieties, we are choosing to lesson our power of love that is naturally within us. 

Basically, in the universe, everything wants to be balanced. Nature wants to be balanced. Human beings want to be balanced. When we choose to be quick to anger with another person, however, then we are out of balance and this affects the beauty and benevolence of synchronicity working with us and bringing to us the best opportunities in our lives. Have you ever noticed that a compassionate person is slow to anger and in a group of angry individuals can dispel the tension simply by being present? The anger just goes away! 

Love is the highest vibration there is in the universe. The love of creation is the seed of evolution on this planet. The beautiful truth is that fear and love cannot co-exist! When you can learn to relax in synchronicity and trust that the universe has your back, you can release all fears and worries about anything and focus on bringing in more joy, compassion and love into your life. When you do this, you will feel a sense of balance and feel more at peace in your heart in all that you do. Those around you may notice a difference in you next time they meet you, yet be unsure why or what this is. Simply by finding your balance and being slow to anger and more compassionate and at peace with you, will not only have resounding positive repercussions for you, but you will also be helping those with whom you come into contact with around you to feel more balanced and calm too! It's a win, win for all!

With love and gratitude, 

Lady Wise  ღ


The art of choosing!

Hello my friends,

Whenever you wake up and feel troubled about anything or feel low because someone has belittled you in front of others, ridiculed you or even ignored you, take a deep breath and remember from the core of your heart that spirit sees you as every way!

You are a magnificent human being whose life is so precious. Each of us is on a spiritual quest, whether we realise it or not, and this life quest takes us along many paths of our own choosing with the opportunity to meet friends and acquaintances, old and new, and to learn, love and laugh along the way. When you encounter anyone or anything along your path that makes you feel uncomfortable, then sharpen up in your awareness and think for yourself why you are feeling uncomfortable. Is it perhaps because you are unhappy about being in a particular person's company who is unappreciative or disrespectful of you? Is it because you feel you are being put in a position that does not feel true to your beliefs and choices that you want to make or is it for another reason?

Remember, that where each of us stands today is as a result of all of the choices we have made in our life to date. Sometimes when we look closely at where we are and what we are doing now, we receive a reality check that makes us feel that there is more to our precious life than we ever thought about before. Some individuals have an epiphany and realise that perhaps a career shift is required, or a change in personal relationships is necessary, or that a long forgotten childhood dream that was never fulfilled, resurfaces in one's mind and the inner drive to achieve this demands a change in future choices made. Often, thoughts occur to us that small changes could be made to make us feel happier. Perhaps a change in the type of food that you feel you want to eat occurs to you or an idea pops into your mind to go for a walk in nature or along the nearest beach instead of sitting in front of the television . Do not ignore your first intuitive thought! It may be a fleeting glimpse but it may be an important choice which leads you to inner peace, calm and happiness amidst these chaotic and challenging times! You cannot make a mistake when you make a choice about anything, because spirit sees you as perfect and so, take a good look in the mirror and learn to love yourself for who you are today. Trust and believe that you can make great choices for yourself and that you are the best person to make choices for yourself because you are one of a kind and know yourself better than any other person! 

Affirmations are wonderful ways to help you on your way. May I suggest the following affirmation for you today:

Everything works out better than I imagined!

As you become more aware of your feelings, you will slowly improve on the choices that you make for yourself. When you choose to live a life filled with joy, love and laughter and focus on making choices that give you this outcome, watch for subtle changes that may occur for the better. You may find, for example, that you are laughing more each day, you feel happier in yourself, you feel less anxious about issues, you make more time for spending with other friends and family members whose company you enjoy and who make you feel loved and respected too!

It all starts with that look in the mirror and the acceptance of who you are today. From this you can go at you own pace to improve the art of choosing what makes you happy! In as little as 3 seconds you can choose to change a situation/scenario that is not working for you and take a different life path! Only you can do this for YOU!

Wishing you eternal joy in your heart!

With love and gratitude,

Lady Wise ღ

I believe in miracles!

Hi everyone, 

Have you ever felt a little despondent because you felt stuck with an issue and there was no-one to help? Earlier today I sent off an email to a friend and included in the content an address about which I was unsure. I had spent some time looking for it on previous occasions and every time I seemed to come up against that 'elusive brick wall'. 

When I returned from my meeting this afternoon I was delighted to find an email response from my friend that included an update on the correct address for which I was looking. Marvellous!

I enthusiastically replied and thanked her so much for taking the time to seek this out for me especially as I knew she was so busy with her own work!

It was another reminder for me to 'trust' spirit with an answer when it is the right time! Very often we can become impatient for an answer and feel stuck, but when you can remain calm and balanced and trust in spirit to bring you the answer when it is the right time it feels like the most magical experience when everything comes together. The Universe knows whom each of us is. This is so powerful and so beautiful at the same time. All we need to do is relax and allow the synchronicity of potentials to play out with everyone concerned. Remember, there are more than 7 billion human beings on the planet and so this is a lot of 'potentials' for spirit to organise for each of us at exactly the right time in the right place. 

One of my future books, as yet unpublished, in the 'Feel the love' series is called:

" I believe in miracles, I do, I do, I do!"

This has reminded me that I am still looking for some more stories to make up this book and so if you have your own 'miracle' story or have a friend's story that you feel would be uplifting for others to read, then perhaps you would be kind enough to send it to me to:

Wishing you the joy of relaxing and trusting that 'spirit' will help you along your way today!

All is well!

Lady Wise ღ


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