Hi everyone,
Hardly a day passes without mention on one of the news channels, in a newspaper or on social media about the weakening health position of both healthcare systems and human beings. Sadly the period in which we are presently living is challenging humanity but please don't despair! Often when you have a cough or a cold or indeed a more serious ailment, this health challenge is misunderstood. All physical ailments are signals to your body that a change is required. Now before you stop reading this blog because you have heard the word 'change' and do not like this, allow me to explain further.
It would appear for many of us that human beings do not like change. Why might this be? Perhaps it is because so many of us have been conditioned for years and years and years to believe that change will bring with it more negative outcomes. Am I right? Are you nodding your head in agreement with me about this? I would like to reassure you that this is an old energy mindset that you choose to believe. And the wonderful thing about choice is that it takes only 3 seconds to change your attitude and believe in a more positive outcome in life! As little as 3 seconds...1, 2, 3! There we go! Where we go? We are off to seek and expect positive outcomes from change that will slowly bring into your life greater health and well-being. All you have to do is believe! It is truly that simple.
Now what can you expect from this shift in your thinking? I cannot give a list of things because it will be different for each person. I can assure you that when you expect the unexpected and believe with all your heart that you are deserving of good health that changes for your highest good will occur. The metaphysics around this will be explained, in part, in my first esoteric book that will be published next year. Suffice to say that just because you cannot physically see things around you does not mean that there is none. Beautiful, positive and benevolent energies are working with you all the time to give you your best living experience here on planet Earth, when you ALLOW it! This is the free choice that is sacred to every human being and which is why it is not for us to be judgemental of anyone else, because we do not know their own life experience to date. This is part of the puzzle of life. I can tell you that none of us is here to suffer. None of us! And so if you choose to wallow in self pity and self doubt that is your choice. If, however, you have been wallowing for a long, long time and now desperately seek a better and healthier life for yourself then ALLOW YOURSELF to make it happen for YOU! Whether you believe it or not, you have full creative control over how you live every day!
When you look in the mirror can you look back at yourself and truthfully say, " I am happy with all my heart!"?
We are living in a period of time presently which is unique to planet Earth and which is the optimum time for each of us to question who we are and what we want out of life. Perhaps you know you want to be healthier but are a little scared and fearful of letting go of how you are presently living and surviving? Up until 2012, most humans have felt trapped and curtailed from following their passion. Have you ever met a passionate person? If yes, what qualities have you noticed about them?
Have you noticed how laid back they seem to be with their life how happy they seem to be? There is no coincidence that they have worked out the puzzle of life. They do not even think that work is a chore because they are following their dream and feel free to make it happen. Work is simply another day of play! And more importantly, their happiness comes with good health.
More and more individuals are now waking up to a new reality that is more REAL than anything we have previously been told. Spirituality is becoming more mainstream because more than 80% of the population believes that there is something more to life than the physical existence that the normal pair of eyes can observe. That should tell you something! Have you noticed that there are more books about near death experiences than ever before and more people willing to talk about their near death experiences than ever before. Why might this be? The "new normal" human being is someone who knows and trusts in the unknown. The "new normal" human being is someone who can feel comfortable with who they are and who believes that they are enough, that they are not alone and that there is a beautiful system of support for them that they may often FEEL, although perhaps still be unable to see, at this time!
In the words of my dear friend, Heather Jean,
We are all in this together!
All the universe asks from us is that we connect to our hearts and our great selves in connection to all that is.
That is, it......... Connect to your great self through the love that lives inside of your heart, the love that exists in every cell of your being, the love you are created from.
Let go of everything that is not serving your higher self, just let it go and fall into your greatness .... You will be lifted from your struggle immediately every time you connect.
It is time for this to take place right now. We are in the beginning of a new nine year cycle this year and we are setting our foundation, our foundation that will be in the creation cycle coming to fruition over the next nine years.
The choices you make now for yourself will make a difference and the universe and the earth are supporting you every step of the way all you have to do is connect, believe that your dream can come true and open your heart to receive the greatest feeling of love joy and peace that you have experienced on earth.
When I read Heather's words earlier today it was as if they were flowing from my own tongue. We are all in this together and for those of you who give pure intent for a change in your health for the better, all you need to do is tell yourself it is time to feel the love in your heart and connect to greater and better things for yourself. This is your birthright!
Drop all fears, anxieties, worries and stress and start walking your path to happiness!
Many individuals are feeling depressed, in despair and discombobulated at this time. These feelings are across all cultures, races, creeds and know no boundaries of monetary wealth. The good news is that when you connect with your heart and choose to create a better, more positive life for yourself, health challenges will slowly fade away. Affirmations are a great way to help focus your mind.
"I am perfect health"
This affirmation when thought, spoken aloud or written down will help you.
Remember that the present tense is used because despite any health issues that you currently endure, you are affirming to your body and greater self that you are in perfect health NOW! Think of these words as a command from you to your body to live a healthier life, that will lift you out of survival mode and into happiness!
Each person has the power from within to achieve great health without spending a penny or a dime! You have to want it from your heart and be prepared to receive the change in love and gratitude.
Money cannot buy good health!
For in these times, health IS the new wealth!
With love and gratitude,
Lady Wise ღ